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Rogue Rascal's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rogue Rascal's arguments, looking across every debate.

The argument on which the second one is based (that if decomposers won't eat it, we shouldn't bother) is absolutely false.

It's pure coincidence that a hamburger is also very high in carbs.

I sure as hell don't and never will.

What they do isn't called debating.

Then you should have banned Dana and Hellno and Joe long ago because those three never do any of those things.

Just because you think I should doesn't mean that I will. Andy loves the activity.

I am not Mic you fucking moron.

It was a sad, sad day when you were born.

Cheater. I will over-take you in points soon enough, just wait for it.

It's spelt acronym, not acronim.

We'd work together to escape, hate or not.

Dude, I don't give a fuck who you are but if we ever meet you are fucking dead. I don't like being impersonated but definitely not being impersonated as an impersonator. I am far more efficient than you at pretending to be Lizzie.

Leave Lizzie alone you fucktard.

1) A creator of all physical things must, by definition, be physical in some way.

2) This is a self-contradiction.

3) This creator doesn't exist.

-1 points

1) Everything exists.

2) It was created.

3) There exists a creator.

Neither is more intelligent than the other; each is in their own way.

What they lack in muscle, they have in emotions.

I named mine weapon Y.

There is no letter more masculine than that and weapon X is so last century.

We don't show them any.

It has to be 'turned on' for things to work well.

Good one, amigo.

You need new jokes.

What the fuck?

I am Zen man Buddhist Satanist woooooooooooooo!

The font is spelt Arial, you dumbass.

Watch and learn Joe. Watch and learn.

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